Source code for tinyobj.fields

"""**tinyobj** implements a number of fields to do validation, etc."""
from . import _compat

[docs]class Field(object): """base for other fields""" def __init__(self): self.default = None
[docs] def initialize(self, value=()): """\ initialize returns a cleaned value or the default, raising ValueErrors as necessary. """ if value == (): try: return self.default() except TypeError: return self.default else: return self.clean(value)
[docs] def clean(self, value): """clean a value, returning the cleaned value""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class NumberField(Field): """accept and validate numbers takes a type to convert values to, can be (EG) ``float``, ``int``, ``long``, or ``complex``. """ def __init__(self, t=float, allow_negative=True, allow_positive=True): self.t = t self.default = t() self.allow_negative = allow_negative self.allow_positive = allow_positive
[docs] def clean(self, value): """clean a value, converting and performing bounds checking""" if not isinstance(value, self.t): value = self.t(value) if not self.allow_negative and value < 0: raise ValueError('value was negative') if not self.allow_positive and value > 0: raise ValueError('values was positive') return value
[docs]class BoolField(Field): """accept and validate boolean values note that this field will just call ``bool`` on values, this may not be your desired behavior so you might want to implement a subclass that parses truthy/falsey values in a way specific to your application """ def __init__(self, default=False): self.clean = bool self.default = bool(default)
[docs]class TextField(Field): """accept and validate text. Uses the Python implementation's appropriate unicode value (IE ``unicode`` on 2.x and ``str`` on 3.x) """ def __init__(self): self.default = _compat.text_type self.clean = _compat.text_type
[docs]class NoValidationField(Field): """\ doesn't validate at all, but returns the value passed (defaulting to None) """ def initialize(self, value=None): return value